POP-UP YOGA SHOP @Kamalika-K Bring a Friend for some Awesome Shopping! Vegan Skin Care Products Essential Oils - EO Rollerball, EO & Diffuser Necklace, EO Emotional Support & Diffuser Necklace Yoga Gear, Mats, Canvas Straps Nepali Clothing, Meditation Blankets, Head Wraps, Infinity Scarves Sneak Peak at All Sale Items in the LOTUS WELLNESS SHOP - https://kamalikak.com/shop/ Place your Orders for Vegan Skin Care & Essential Oils if the product you want is not in store.
Cancellation Policy
Classes & Programs can be booked up to 90 days in advance. Class cancellations can be completed up to 30 mins prior to class start time. If you do not cancel a class within this timeframe, then you will be charged for that class. If you have unforeseen circumstances that prevents you from cancelling your class, credit for the class will be at the discretion of the Owner of Kamalika-K.